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Banish Container Odors with This Top Trick!

Dealing with a smelly container, be it new or previously used for transporting odorous items, can be a nuisance. But fear not, we've got the best solution that works wonders every time:

  • Coffee Grounds Method - Your Best Bet: This is hands down the most effective way to tackle those stubborn odors. Here's how to do it:
    • Create a tray using aluminum foil.
    • Fill it with roasted coffee grounds.
    • Light the grounds, place the tray in the middle of your container, and close it up for about a day.

Why is this method so great? Coffee grounds are amazing at absorbing and neutralizing odors, and they do it without leaving a strong coffee scent behind. It's a powerful, natural deodorizer that works better than most other solutions. Just be mindful of the amount of coffee used and keep the foil secure to prevent fire risks.

  • Air It Out: While not as effective as the coffee grounds method, airing out the container can still help with milder odors. Just keep those doors open for a few days to let fresh air do its job.

  • Other Options - Baking Soda & Charcoal: If you're out of coffee or prefer other methods, baking soda and charcoal are also good alternatives. They can absorb odors, but they might not be as quick or effective as the coffee grounds.

Remember, the coffee grounds method is your go-to solution for eliminating those pesky smells quickly and effectively. It's your best bet for a fresh-smelling container, especially for those really stubborn odors!

When buying a used container, the smell is not something that is covered under your 1 year warranty. However, if you need support in getting rid of a smell in your container, please reach out to us at support@boxhub.com.