What happens if my delivery is unsuccessful?

πŸ“¦ Preventing Dry Run Deliveries: Boxhub's Hassle-Free Guide 🚚

At Boxhub, we are committed to ensuring that your shipments arrive at their destination smoothly. To make your deliveries hassle-free, it is crucial to be aware of and prevent a common issue called "Dry Run.”

What is a Dry Run Delivery?

A dry run delivery occurs when your shipment faces preventable issues at the receiving site, causing delays and extra expenses. Let's tackle this together! 🌟

Why Site Preparation Matters:

Site preparation is key to a seamless operation. Neglecting it can lead to:

1. Delayed Deliveries: Unprepared sites often result in missed delivery windows, causing delays that disrupt your operations.

2. Increased Costs: Dry run deliveries translate into higher expenses, and you might end up paying more than you expected as carriers charge per mile, and a return trip to the depot can add up πŸ’°.

3. Disruptions: Continuous dry runs can disrupt your delivery process, causing operational hiccups. To ensure a smooth and efficient operation, it is important to have a well-prepared site and equipment. If you have requested delivery on a flatbed trailer, make sure it is ready for use.

Understanding the Potential Costs in Detail:

In the event of a dry run, you could end up paying double the initial delivery cost. Here's a breakdown of the potential costs of a dry run:

Delivery Cost:

  • This covers the initial delivery attempt, which is a standard charge based on your shipment's size, weight, and destination.

Dry Run Cost:

If the initial delivery is unsuccessful due to an avoidable site challenge, a dry run cost will be incurred.

  • The dry run cost includes:
    • The carrier's return journey to the depot.
    • Carrier incurred waiting fees.
    • (And if delivery requires a second attempt) The subsequent redelivery attempt

Keep in mind:

Carriers calculate their charges based on the miles travelled and hours spent completing a delivery. Every additional mile due to a dry run increases your bill. Proper site preparation can significantly reduce these extra expenses.

How to Avoid Dry Run Deliveries:

  1. Precise Address Details: Double-check and optimize your delivery address for clarity and accuracy. If your location is difficult to find or your property is brand new and does not yet have an official address, provide clear signage and directions to guide your carriers. When in doubt, a location pin is always helpfulπŸ“
  2. Delivery Windows: The Boxhub delivery window is between 10 am and 6 pm. An exact delivery time frame is impossible due to external delays outside the carrier's control (such as congested depots or traffic). However, the carrier will call you when your container is loaded and they are on their way to your location. It is expected that you will be available at the delivery site since we do not offer unattended deliveries. An unsupervised delivery could lead to placement and accessibility issues.
  3. Clear Access: Ensure access routes are obstacle-free for a smooth delivery πŸš—.
  4. Have the Right Equipment: Ensure you have all the necessary equipment for on-site delivery when the carrier arrives. If you have ordered flatbed delivery, ensure you have the appropriate offloading equipment and support for a successful and efficient delivery.
  5. Measure Measure Measure: Make sure that you have a clear entrance that is at least 14 ft wide and 20 ft high, with a clear straight line space of at least 120 ft to your drop site, to allow the truck to maneuver.πŸ“
  6. Weather Check: To ensure successful delivery, confirm that the ground is hard and conditions are dry at least 24 hours before the delivery day. Monitor forecasts closely, as inclement weather can lead to delays and complications.
  7. Open Communication: Keep communication lines open with carriers, be available by phone and share any specific instructions or details well in advance.πŸ“ž
  8. Navigate with Caution: Document and share any tight turns, undulating or windy roads that could be difficult for a semi-truck to navigate. Providing this information in advance helps carriers plan 3 routes effectively. ⚠️
  9. Contact Customer Success: If you have any questions about your delivery or need assistance in preparing for your shipment, please contact our customer success team at support@boxhub.com πŸ—£


In the shipping game, we're all about smooth sailing! 🌊 We've cracked the dry run code, mastered site prep, and highlighted costs. With these steps, you'll dodge dry runs and keep your shipments on the right track. πŸššβ›΅

We're here to make your deliveries a breeze! πŸ“¦πŸ™‚